Welcome to the International Summer School on AstroComputing 2013 (ISSAC2013) website!
Please stay tuned for more information.

Volume rendering of the gas density in a simulation of the formation
of a 70 Solar mass binary system. Krumholz
UPDATE: Deadline extended from March 16 to Saturday, March 23
Description: Star and planet formation are central drivers in cosmic evolution: they control generation of radiation, synthesis of heavy elements, and development of potential sites for life. Because star and planet formation involve numerous physical processes operating over orders of magnitude in length and time scale, simulations have become essential to progress in the field. The objective of the 2013 UC-HiPACC AstroComputing Summer School is to train the next generation of researchers in the use of large-scale simulations in star and planet formation problems. The school will cover many of the major public codes in use today, including tutorials and hands-on experience running and analyzing simulations. Students will receive accounts on the new 3,000-core supercomputer Hyades on the UCSC campus for the duration of the school.
The school is directed by Prof. Mark Krumholz (UCSC), and is funded primarily by UC-HiPACC (Prof. Joel Primack, UCSC, director). Additional funds are being sought from NSF for student support and from DOE for infrastructure support. Students will be housed on the UCSC campus (approximately $50/night). UC-HiPACC will cover lodging at UCSC for all accepted students and also travel for UC-affiliated students. Some financial assistance for travel may be available for other students.
Students must apply by filling in the online form at : http://hipacc.ucsc.edu/ISSAC2013_Application.php
Applications are due March 23, 2013, although it may be possible to consider late applications. We aim to tell students who apply on time whether they are admitted by April 2, 2013. Upon acceptance all students who plan to attend will pay a registration fee of $500. Week day lunches, coffee breaks, the school banquet, and a special excursion will be provided for attendees.
Director: Mark Krumholz (UCSC)
Speakers and Topics will include:
Main lecturers (5 lectures each and lead afternoon workshops):
Robi Banerjee (U. Hamburg, FLASH)
Paul Clark (U. Heidelberg, GADGET / SEREN)
Patrick Hennebelle (CEA/Saclay, RAMSES)
Stella Offner (Yale, RADMC / HYPERION / CASA)
Tom Quinn (U. Washington, GASOLINE / CHANGA)
Jim Stone (Princeton, ATHENA)
Additional Lecturers
Tom Abel (Stanford, first stars, ENZO)
Neal Evans (U. Texas Austin, observations of massive star formation)
Alyssa Goodman (Harvard, observations of low-mass star formation)
Phil Hopkins (Caltech, the IMF)
Meredith Hughes (Wesleyan, observations of protoplanetary disks)
Kaitlin Kratter (U. Colorado, binary formation)
Mark Krumholz (UC Santa Cruz, massive star formation)
Chris McKee (UC Berkeley, star formation rates)
Eve Ostriker (Princeton, the ISM/star formation connection)
Joel Primack (UC Santa Cruz, star formation and galaxy evolution)
APPLY BY MARCH 23, 2013.
For further information and answers to questions please contact Sue Grasso in the UC-HiPACC office (email: hipacc@ucsc.edu , phone: 831 459-1531).