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2014 Galaxy Workshop Participants. Photo: Trudy E. Bell


Welcome to the 2014 Santa Cruz Galaxy Workshop homepage! If you will be attending the Workshop, please fill out this questionnaire.

Galaxy Workshop, August 11–15, will be held in the Simularium, Engineering 2 Building in the School of Engineering. If you will be participating in AGORA Workshop, August 15–18, it will meet on August 15 also in the Simularium, Engineering 2 Building in the School of Engineering, and on subsequent days at ISB 102 (Interdisciplinary Sciences Building). Click on the General Info tab or the AGORA Workshop tab for more information.

Organizers: Avishai Dekel and Joel Primack.
Click here to visit the 2013 Santa Cruz Galaxy Workshop Website.

Last Name First Name Institution Email
Agertz Oscar University of Surrey
Arraki Kenza New Mexico State University
Barro Guillermo UCSC
Bat-Erdene Ariunjargal Colby College
Behroozi Peter STScI
Bell Eric University of Michigan Astronomy
Bird Simeon Carnegie Mellon University
Birrer Simon ETH Zurich
Bouwens Rychard Leidem
Brodie Jean UCSC/UCO
Bullock James UC Irvine
Burkert Andreas University of Munich
Butler Michael University of Zurich
Cantalupo Sebastiano UCSC
Carollo Marcella ETH Zurich / Physics Dept
Ceverino Daniel UAM (Spain)
Chies Santos Ana University of Nottingham, UK
Cooke Ryan UCSC
Costa Tiago Institute of Astronomy, University of Cambridge
Deason Alis UCSC
DeGraf Colin Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Dekel Avishai HUJI
Devriendt Julien Oxford University/Astrophysics
Feldmann Robert UC Berkeley
Forbes John UCSC / Astronomy & Astrophysics Department
Gonzalez Alma UCSC SCIPP
GuhaThakurta Raja UCO/Lick Obs, UCSC
Guo Yicheng UCSC
Haehnelt Martin Institute of Astronomy, University of Cambridge
Yesuf Hassen UCSC
Hopkins Philip Caltech
Hummels Cameron U. Arizona
Illingworth Garth UCSC/Astronomy
Inoue Shigeki Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Kim Ji-hoon Caltech
Klypin Anatoly NMSU
Kocevski Dale Colby College
Krumholz Mark UCSC Astronomy
Lau Marie Wingyee UCSC
Leja Joel Yale University
Lilly Simon ETH Zurich
Lotz Jennifer STScI
Ma Chung-Pei UC Berkeley
Mandelker Nir Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Mathes Nigel New Mexico State University Astronomy Department
McGrath Elizabeth Colby College
Munshi Ferah University of Oklahoma
Nagamine Ken Osaka U / UNLV
Nelson Dylan Harvard CfA
Nielsen Nikole New Mexico State University
Pota Vincenzo UCSC
Primack Joel UCSC
Revaz Yves EPFL/Lausanne
Rocha Miguel UCSC
Sai Tanmayi UC Santa Cruz
Shields Gregory U. of Texas/Astronomy
Slater Colin University of Michigan Astronomy
Snyder Gregory Space Telescope Science Institute
Stewart Kyle California Baptist University (CBU)
Tacchella Sandro ETH Zurich
Tibbetts Ian Colby College
Toloba Elisa UCSC
Trump Jonathan Penn State
Vander Vliet Jacob New Mexico State University
Wellons Sarah Harvard University
Woo Joanna ETH Zurich



Videos: Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5

Slides and Video for each talk will be posted here.

Monday, August 11th
Session I: Dwarf Galaxies | Chair: Andreas Burkert
9:15 - 9:20 (5) Avishai Dekel & Joel Primack Opening Remarks
9:20 - 9:25 (5) George Blumenthal (UCSC) Chancellor’s greetings
9:25 - 9:55 (25) James Bullock (UCI) Forged in FIRE: Cusps and Cores in Low-Mass Dwarf Galaxies
9:55 - 10:15 (17) Ferah Munshi (UO) A New Extremely High-Resolution Zoom-In Sheet of Simulated Dwarf Galaxies
10:15 - 10:30 (12) Kenza Arraki (NMSU) Comparing the Evolving Properties of Satellite and Isolated Dwarf Galaxies
10:30 - 10:50 (17) Ryan Cooke (UCSC) Dwarf Galaxies at High Redshift
10:50 - 11:20
11:20 - 11:40 (17) Vincenzo Pota (UCSC) Cusp or Core? The Inner Slope of the Dark Matter Halo of the Elliptical Galaxy NGC 1407 Using Stars and Globular Clusters
11:40 - 12:00 (17) Alis Deason (UCSC) Dwarf-Dwarf Mergers in the Local Group
12:00 - 12:20 (17) Elisa Toloba (UCSC) Stellar Kinematics of Virgo Cluster Dwarf Elliptical Galaxies: an Unexpected Complexity
12:20 - 12:40 (17) Alma Gonzalez (UCSC) The Effect of Black Holes in Local Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxies on Gamma-Ray Constraints on Dark Matter Annihilation
12:40 - 12:55 Discussion
12:55 - 2:15
Session II: IGM, CGM, Ly-alpha | Chair: Jennifer Lotz
2:15 - 2:45 (25) Rychard Bouwens (Leiden) Galaxy Build-up and Evolution in the First 2 Billion Years of the Universe
2:45 - 3:05 (17) Sebastiano Cantalupo (UCSC) Illuminating the Dark Universe with Quasar-Induced Ly-alpha Emission
3:05 - 3:25 (17) Simeon Bird (CMU) Reproducing the Kinematics of Damped Lyman-alpha Systems
3:25 - 3:45 (17) Marie Wingyee Lau (UCSC) Quasars Probing Quasars: The Pinnacle of Cool CGM at z ≈ 2 and New Clues to the Physics of Massive Galaxy Formation
3:45 - 4:15
4:15 - 4:45 (25) Martin Haehnelt (IoA) Probing the Physical State of the IGM and the Nature of DM with the Ly-alpha Forest
4:45 - 5:00 (12) Nikole Nielsen (NMSU) Quenching Quandaries in the MgII Circumgalactic Medium
5:00 - 5:15 (12) Jacob Vander Vliet (NMSU) The Circumgalactic Medium of Dwarf Galaxies in Simulations
5:15 - 5:30 (12) Nigel Mathes (NMSU) Halo Mass Dependence of HI and OVI Absorption: Evidence for Differential Kinematics
5:30 - 5:45 Discussion
Reception & Banquet
Tuesday, August 12th
Session III: AGN and Feedback | Chair: James Bullock
9:30 - 10:00 (25) Dale Kocevski (Colby) Rapid Black Hole Growth in the Progenitors of Compact Quenched Galaxies at z ≈ 2–3
10:00 - 10:15 (12) Tiago Costa (Cambridge) Feedback from AGN: Energy versus Momentum-Driven Outflows
10:30 - 10:50 (17) Colin Degraf (HUJI) Impact of Bursty Black Hole Accretion and Feedback on Host Galaxy Formation
10:50 - 11:20
11:20 - 11:35 (12) Dylan Nelson (Harvard) The Impact of Feedback on Cosmological Gas Accretion
11:35 - 12:05 (25) Chung-Pei Ma (Berkeley) The MASSIVE Survey of the 100 Most Massive Nearby Elliptical Galaxies
12:05 - 12:25 (17) Ana Chies Santos (Nottingham) OMEGA: OSIRIS Mapping of Emission-line Galaxies in A901/2
12:25 - 12:40 Discussion
12:40 - 2:00
Session IV: Feedback cont., Star Formation | Chair: Phil Hopkins
2:00 - 2:30 (25) Oscar Agertz (Surrey) On the Interplay Between Star Formation and Feedback in Galaxy Formation Simulations
2:30 - 2:50 (17) Edmond Cheung (UCSC) Galaxy Zoo: Bars are not Responsible for the Feeding of AGN at 0.2 < z < 1.0
2:50 - 3:05 (12)
Hassen Yesuf (UCSC)
The Mean Outflow Properties of Galaxies in DEEP3 Redshift Survey
3:05 - 3:35 (25) Mark Krumholz (UCSC) You Can’t Always Get What You Want: Making Sense of the Observable Tracers of Gas and Star Formation
3:35 - 4:05
4:05 - 4:35 (25) Phil Hopkins (Caltech) Updates on the FIRE Project and Metal Stars
4:35 - 4:50 (12) John Forbes (UCSC) Galaxies in Statistical Equilibrium
4:50 - 5:05 (12)
Simon Birrer (ETH) A Simple Model Linking Galaxy and Dark Matter Evolution
5:05 - 5:20 (12) Joel Leja (Yale) Reconciling the Observed Star-Forming Sequence with the Observed Stellar Mass Function
5:20 - 5:35 Discussion
Wednesday, August 13th
Session V: Disk Instability & Compact Galaxies | Chair: Elizabeth McGrath
9:30 - 10:00 (25) Andreas Burkert (Munich) Toomre’s Instability Criterion and the Puzzle of Massive Clump Formation in High-Redshift Star Forming Galaxies
10:00 - 10:20 (17) Shigeki Inoue (HUJI) Disc Instability Analyses for High-z Clumpy Galaxies in Cosmological Simulations
10:20 - 10:40 (17) Yicheng Guo (UCSC) Clumpy Galaxies in the CANDELS Fields
10:40 - 10:55 (12) Nir Mandelker (HUJI) Evolution of Giant Clumps in Simulations of High-z Galaxies with Radiative Feedback
10:55 - 11:25
11:25 - 11:55 (25) Guillermo Barro (UCSC) Kinematics and Stellar Populations of Compact SFGs, Tracing the Formation of Red Nuggets
11:55 - 12:15 (17) Adi Zolotov (HUJI) Comapction and Quenching of high-z Galaxies
12:15 - 12:30 (12) Sarah Wellons (Harvard) The Multiple Formation Channels of Massive, Compact Galaxies at z = 2 in the Illustris Simulation
12:30 -12:45 Discssion
12:45 - 2:00
Thursday, August 14th
Session VI: Quenching, Morphology | Chair: Mark Krumholz
9:30 -10:00 (25) Marcella Carollo (ETH) All in One Basket: Size Growth, Morphological Transformations, Quenching, and Environment
10:00 - 10:20 (17) Joanna Woo (ETH) Mass, Morphology and Quenching
10:20 - 10:35 (12) Sandro Tacchella (ETH) Quenching of Galaxies and Formation of Bulges
10:35 - 10:55 (17) Jessica Werk (UCSC) What Happens to a Galaxy’s Gaseous Halo When Star Formation Shuts Down?
10:55 - 11:25
11:25 - 11:55 (25) Simon Lilly (ETH) New Insights on Environmental Effects in SDSS, and the Role of Conformity
11:55 - 12:25 (25) Jennifer Lotz (STScI) The Evolution of Galaxy Morphologies in CANDELS
12:25 - 12:40 (12) Michael Peth (JHU) PCA Classification of CANDELS Non-Parametric Galaxy Morphologies
12:40 - 12:55 Discussion
12:55 - 2:10
Session VII: High-z Galaxies, Mergers, & The Local Group | Chair: Marcella Carollo
2:10 - 2:40 (25) Avishai Dekel (HUJI) High-z Galaxy Formation: Some New Insights
2:40 - 3:10 (25)
Eric Bell (Michigan) Merging and the Growth of the Quiescent Galaxy Population — What do Galaxy Mergers do to Galaxies?
3:10 - 3:25 (12)
Alireza Mortazavi (JHU)
Testing Galaxy Merger Physics with Interacting Pairs
3:25 - 3:45 (17) Peter Behroozi (STScI) Close Pairs and Galaxy Formation
3:45 - 4:15
4:15 - 4:45 (25) Anatoly Klypin (NMSU) Abundance of Field Galaxies
4:45 - 5:15 (25) Raja GuhaThakurta (UCSC) HALO7D: Looking at and Through the Milky Way
5:15 - 5:30 (12) Colin Slater (Michigan) The Complex Structure of the Outer Galactic Disk
5:30 - 5:45 (12) Claire Dorman (UCSC) The Age–Velocity Dispersion Correlation in Andromeda’s Stellar Disk
5:45 - 6:00 Discussion
Friday, August 15th
Session VIII: Galaxy Simulations I (joint with AGORA) | Chair: Anatoly Klypin
9:30 - 10:00 (25) Joel Primack (UCSC) Status of the AGORA High-Resolution Cosmological Galaxy Simulation Comparison Project
10:00 - 10:30 (25) Elizabeth McGrath (Colby) Using High-Resolution Simulations to Inform Observations of Galaxy Structure at z ≈ 2
10:30 - 11:00 (25) Julien Devriendt (Oxford) The Impact of Turbulent Star Formation on High-Redshift Galaxy Properties
11:00 - 11:30
11:30 -12:00 (25) Kyle Stewart (Baptist) Angular Momentum Acquisition in Milky-Way-Size Galaxy Halos
12:00 -12:20 (17) Robert Feldman (Berkeley) Galaxy Evolution at z > 2: Cosmological Starvation, Mergers, and Morphology
12:20 - 12:35 Discussion
12:35 - 2:00
Session IX: Galaxy Simulations II (joint with AGORA) | Chair: Oscar Agertz
2:10 - 2:40 (25) Ken Nagamine (UNLV) Kinetic SN Feedback, and Other UNLV Group Efforts for AGORA
2:40 - 3:00 (17) Michael Butler (Zurich) Kiloparsec-Scale Simulations of Star Formation in Disk Galaxies: The Structure and Dynamics of Filaments and Clumps in Giant Molecular Clouds
3:00 - 3:20 (17) Daniel Ceverino (UAM) The Rise and Fall of Elongated Galaxies
3:20 - 3:40 (17) Gregory Snyder (STScI) Science with Synthetic Images from Cosmological Simulations
3:40 - 4:10
4:10 - 4:30 (17) ) Cameron Hummels (Arizona) Investigating the Pressure Support and Metallicity Bimodality of the CGM
4:30 - 5:00 (25) Yves Revaz (EPFL/Lausanne) Understanding the Formation and Evolution of Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxies Through Chemical Evolution
5:00 - 5:20

Directions and Transportation

This year's workshop will be held in the Simularium, Engineering 2 Building in the School of Engineering. Click here for a map of this area of campus.

If you will be participating in AGORA, August 15–18, it will be held at ISB 102.

Directions to University of California Santa Cruz.


No housing will be available on campus this summer. We recommend that if you plan to attend the conference, you arrange for lodging early. Although hotel policies vary, at the time you make your reservations you should ask if there is a UCSC rate. List of local lodging options.

Please enter the UCSC campus through the West Entrance and follow the signs toward Core West Parking Lot. Follow the directions to the Simularium where the workshop is held and there will be a check-in table there on Monday morning. If you have paid for parking, you can pick your parking permits on the third floor of the parking lot; if you still need to pay for parking, you will be able to do so there as well. Keep in mind that if you have a car on campus you must have a permit; the officers ticket regularly, even in the summer. Once you have parked, there will be signs to the Simularium, Engineering 2 Building. Map (directions from Core West to the Simularium)

Airport shuttles
Shuttle services from the airport to campus or to your lodging are available for a fee:

Public transport
Public transportation options to, from, and around Santa Cruz can be done through the Santa Cruz Metro.

Local Lodging Options

If you will be staying an additional week for collaboration, either before or after the workshop, you may want to try the following suggestions for a bit longer term and possibly less expensive housing:

  • Craig's List - Craig's List shows housing for rent in many areas- just select the Santa Cruz locations from the following Monterey Bay Area list

In addition we have a listing from Academic HR, which contains many housing options for extended stays, typically in faculty/UCSC employee houses. This list is available upon request. For example, there is a 3-bedroom house near the beach and UCSC that is available for extended stay. Contact Aaron,

For questions about accommodation contact Sue Grasso,


UC-HIPACC (University of California High Performance AstroComputing Center) is co-sponsoring the 2014 Galaxy Formation Workshop.

A major goal of UC-HIPACC is to encourage collaboration on computational astrophysics between groups at UC campuses and the affiliated DOE Labs. We are willing to help with lodging support for UC students interested in attending the Galaxy Workshop. If you are interested in UCSC housing support please send an email to Sue Grasso at ""

Other Useful Information

Avishai Dekel (
Joel Primack (
Sue Grasso (

Hello workshop participants,

The Galaxy Workshop is fast approaching! This year's workshop, Monday to Friday, August 11–15, will be held in the Simularium, Engineering 2 Building in the School of Engineering, to be followed by the AGORA meeting, August 15–18.

The registration fee this year will be $100 which will cover daily lunches and snacks as well as the banquet on August 11.

  1. Early June: Complete the Questionnaire (see below) which asks for attendance, talk titles, etc.
  2. Early July: Register and pay for the conference. At this time you will be able to purchase parking passes, sign up to bring a guest to the banquet, and let us know about any dietary restrictions.

If you have any comment about the program, kindly respond asap to Sue Grasso at



Any questions regarding registration may also be directed to Sue Grasso at


At this time, please register for the workshop using this link:

This is important! You will be asked to provide information including specific days of attendance, parking, and meal requests, and you will then be directed to a secure web site to provide payment information (coming soon!). Everyone who wants to attend MUST register to ensure that the proper accommodations are in place.

Please note: The registration fee for this year's Galaxy Workshop will be $100. This fee, along with UC-HiPACC's financial support, will cover the costs of the welcome banquet as well as lunch, morning and afternoon refreshments for five days. The Galaxy Workshop banquet will be Monday night August 11.

Santa Cruz Galaxy Workshop Photos

Sandy Faber Nancy Abrams Sandy Faber Joe Primack Andy Faber ? digging in pool party Hassen Yesuf Sandy Faber Edmond Cheung Jennifer Lotz Greg Snyder David Koo Xiancheng Ma Joel Primack Hassen Yesuf Haehnelt Zippi Dekel Nir Mandelker Colin Degraf Zippi Dekel Avishai Dekel Joel Primack Nancy Abrams Jennifer Lotz Gregory Snyder David Koo Joanna Woo Sandy Faber Joel Primack Geo Blumenthal James Bullock Q by Anatoly Klypin Q by Eric Bell q fr Peter Behroozi Q fr Martin Haehnelt Ferah Munshi Q fr Nir Mandelker Kenza Arraki Ryan Cooke Q fr Marcella Corollo 8-11 coffee break 8-11 coffee break Anatoly Klypin Avashai Dekel 8-11 coffee break 8-11 coffee break - Vincenza Pota Alis Deason Q by Eric Bell Andreas Burkert James Bullock Q by Colin Slater Eisa Toloba Alma Gonzalez Q fr Simon Lilly discussion 8-11 pizza lunch informal lunchtime CANDELS mtg Raja Guha Thakurtha Kennifer Lotz WHO Deason Toloba Faber Q fr Simon Lilly Rychard Bouwens Sebastiano Cantalupo Simeon Bird Marie Wingyee Lau 8-11 PM coffeebreak Martin Haehnelt Nikole Nielsen Jacob Vander Vliet Nigel Mathes q FR kYLE sTEWART Q fr James Bullock 'Q fr Anatoly Klypin Q fr David Koo deer on way to banquet reception reception reception reception reception reception reception banquet banquet Joel  Primack intro Sandy Faber TMT talk Sandy Faber TMT talk Dale Kocevski Q fr Avishai Dekel Q fr Peter Behroozi Tiago Costa Q fr Jmes Bullock Colin Degraf Q fr Daniel Ceverino discussion James Bullock Dylan Nelson Chung-Pei Ma Ana Chies-Santos Q fr Martin Haehnelt Tues lunch Tues lunch Tues lunch confab Tues lunch Tues lunch Oscar Agertz Q fr Daniel Ceverino Hassen Yesuf Edmond Cheung Mark Krumholz listening intently Galaxy 2014 group sm Galaxy 2014 group Tues PM break Phil Hopkins John Forbes Simon Birrer Joel Leja Andreas Burkert Q fr Shigeki Inoue Shigeki Inoue Nir Mandelker Yicheng Guo Q fr Jennifer Lotz Krumholz Hopkins Dekel Mandelker Bell Guillermo Barro Adi Zolotov

Photos by Trudy E. Bell, and

3rd AGORA Workshop

AGORA is an international collaboration to run and compare high-resolution hydrodynamic zoom-in galaxy simulations. Visit the AGORA Project website:

This summer, the final day of the Santa Cruz Galaxy Workshop will also be the first day of the Assembling Galaxies of Resolved Anatomy (AGORA) Workshop (, which will run from August 15–18. On August 15, the AGORA workshop will meet in the Simularium, Engineering 2 Building in the School of Engineering. Map. (Similar map but with directions from Core West Parking Garage to the Simularium.) Susequent days will meet in ISB 102 (Interdisciplinary Sciences Building). Map.


AGORA Photos

Photos by Trudy E. Bell, and