2019 Galaxy Workshop Participants. Click for high-res version (13MB). Credit: Stéphane Courteau
Welcome! Bienvenido!
Welcome to the 2019 Santa Cruz Galaxy Workshop homepage! If you would like to attend the Workshop, please send an email to Avishai Dekel (avishai.dekel@mail.huji.ac.il)
and Colin DeGraf (cdegraf@ast.cam.ac.uk).
The Galaxy Workshop will be held August 5–9, 2019 in the Simularium, room 180 in the Engineering 2 Building.
If you will be participating in the AGORA Workshop, it will meet on Aug 10 in ISB 102. Click on the General Information tab or the AGORA Workshop tab for more information.
Organizers: Avishai Dekel, Joel Primack, and Colin DeGraf.
Click here to visit the 2018 Santa Cruz Galaxy Workshop Website.
Housing and Transportation
No housing will be available on campus this summer. We recommend that if you plan to attend the conference, you arrange for lodging early. Although hotel policies vary, at the time you make your reservations you should ask if there is a UCSC rate.
Please enter the UCSC campus through the West Entrance and follow the signs toward Core West Parking Lot. Follow the directions to the Simularium where the workshop is held and there will be a check-in table there on Monday morning. If you have paid for parking, you can pick your parking permits on the third floor of the parking lot; if you still need to pay for parking, you will be able to do so there as well. Keep in mind that if you have a car on campus you must have a permit; the officers ticket regularly, even in the summer. Once you have parked, there will be signs to the Simularium, Engineering 2 Building-- Map (directions from Core West to the Simularium)
Airport shuttles
Shuttle services from the airport to campus or to your lodging are available for a fee:
Public transport
Public transportation options to, from, and around Santa Cruz can be done through the Santa Cruz Metro.
Local Lodging Options
If you will be staying an additional week for collaboration, either before or after the workshop, you may want to try the following suggestions for a bit longer term and possibly less expensive housing:
In addition we have a listing from Academic HR, which contains many housing options for extended stays, typically in faculty/UCSC employee houses. This list is available upon request. For example, there is a 3-bedroom house near the beach and UCSC that is available for extended stay. Contact Aaron, romanow@ucolick.org.
Other Useful Information
Avishai Dekel (avishai.dekel@mail.huji.ac.il)
Joel Primack (joel@ucsc.edu)
Colin DeGraf (cdegraf@ast.cam.ac.uk)
Hello workshop participants,
The Galaxy Workshop is fast approaching! This year's workshop, Monday to Friday, August 5–9, will be held in the Simularium, Engineering 2 Building in the School of Engineering.
Following the Galaxy Workshop, there will be an AGORA project workshop. If you are interested in attending the AGORA workshop or would like further details, please see the
AGORA website (www.agorasimulations.org)
or contact the AGORA Project Coordinator, Ji-hoon Kim (santacruzgalaxy@gmail.com).
Registration is now closed.
Please note: The registration fee for this year's Galaxy Workshop will be $250. This fee will cover the costs of the welcome banquet as well as lunch, morning and afternoon refreshments for five days. The Galaxy Workshop banquet will be on Monday night, August 5.
8th AGORA Workshop
AGORA is an international collaboration to run and compare high-resolution hydrodynamic zoom-in galaxy simulations. Visit the AGORA Project website: http://www.agorasimulations.org/.
Following the Galaxy Workshop, on Saturday, August 10th there will be an AGORA project workshop.
Information can be found on the
AGORA Workshop website.
If you are interested in attending or would like further details, please contact the AGORA Project Coordinator, Ji-hoon Kim (santacruzgalaxy@gmail.com)
Contact Us
If you have any questions regarding the workshop, please contact the organizers:
Avishai Dekel (avishai.dekel@mail.huji.ac.il)
Joel Primack (joel@ucsc.edu)
Colin DeGraf (cdegraf@ast.cam.ac.uk)
For questions regarding the associated AGORA Project, please contact the AGORA Project Coordinator:
Ji-hoon Kim (santacruzgalaxy@gmail.com)